Multitasking isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be

When it comes to multi-tasking, us moms can pretty much write the book, right?! 
I am a pro when it comes to doing 50 things at once. I can help my kids with their schoolwork, read a book, answer phone calls, prep tomorrow morning’s coffee, and find a band-aid out of the cabinet all while cooking Monday night dinner .
And I’m pretty confident that most of us moms here in this group can do the same. I used to think this was the ticket to getting so much accomplished but I realized that some things just can’t be done in this way. And shouldn't be!
It took a lot to convince me that doing things this way and trying to do so many things at once added a lot more stress to my life and that it just wasn’t as effective as it seemed. Learning how to be fully engaged and present in the moment takes practice. Click here to learn more about how to be fully present.
Sure, I got stuff done, but things weren’t getting done as...
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How to Overcome Mom-Brain When You're Pulled in Different Directions

8:11 am Kid 1: Hey mom, do you know where my sneakers are?
8:12 Kid 2: Mom, my laptop is about to die, can you get me the cord?
8:12 Kid 1: The dog pooped in the hallway again mom.
8:13 Kid 3: Ew, mom, I accidentally stepped in the dog poop!
8:14 Mmmmmoooommmm, my laptop just died. I need your help.
8:15 Kid 3 is spotted walking through the living room, not-so-mysterious tracks behind him.
8:15 Phone ringing...Hey hon, would you mind reviewing that report I emailed you last night? I need it by 8:30!
8:16 Kid 1: Look, mom, I found my sneakers but they got wet in the rain last night
8:16 The tears start flowing.
True Story. And unfortunately, this is not a rare event because some variation of the above happens more than I’d like to admit.
I am a cryer, let’s just get that out on the table. I’ve cried my fair share of tears over the year and really, sometimes it feels good to release the...
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